RSV is a common virus, especially tough on tiny lungs. In North Florida, watch out from September to March, when it peaks. Protect little ones with clean hands and by keeping them away from anyone who is sick. For the most relevant and up to date information, always refer to the Florida Department of Health, for the most local and current information.
RSV Season is here!

Some Vaccines Facts

Vaccines shield kids from serious diseases, preventing life-threatening illnesses. They build strong immunity, protecting both your child and those around them. Vaccinations are rigorously tested, ensuring safety and effectiveness. They save time and money by avoiding costly medical bills and missed school days. Protect future generations; vaccines have eradicated diseases, making the world safer for everyone. For reliable vaccine information, consult your pediatrician or the CDC
Flu Mist the best Choice!

Flu mist offers a quick, needle-free way to protect kids from the flu. It’s especially good for kids who dislike shots, making vaccination easier. The nasal spray delivers a weakened virus, building immunity without the full illness. It helps prevent missed school days and family disruptions caused by the flu. Check with your pediatrician; flu mist is recommended for healthy kids aged 2-8